Fukuroi Fireworks Festival

It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen so many people in one place!!! Last weekend we went to the Fukuroi Fireworks Festival in Fukuroi, Kakegawa’s neighbouring city. It really was spectacular.

Blue Fireworks
After getting squashed in the train on our way to Fukuroi, we met up with some of the other JETs living in Shizuoka prefecture. And I even got the chance to wear a beautiful Yukata during all the festivities!
Me wearing a yellow Yukata!

Interesting Bokeh

It was really hot and humid! And there were so many people attending, that almost all of the vending machines were out of cool drinks! The convenience store was so full of people that we were queuing through the whole store, wanting to buy some drinks and snacks!

The festival was really beautiful! The fireworks lasted for two hours! Most of it was accompanied by music, which made it even more interesting! It was a kind of competition between pyrotechnic companies. Many food stalls lined the streets, their bright lights contributing even more to the beautiful festival feel!  After the show, we gradually headed back home, stuffy, sweaty and very tired!

Part of the Grande Finale

My biggest worry, however, was the pollution and the animals – all the insects were really confused and freaking out! Spiders were jumping over people and crickets were static! Sometimes you wonder why a country will allow a two hour fireworks festival which creates a lot of air pollution and great distress for all the animals, yet they are highly sensitive about Nuclear Energy and Recycling. It’s greatly contradicting! (Although it still was a fantastic experience.)
Some food stalls

Cascading shimmers!

So, have you ever been to the Fukuroi Firework Festival? What is your opinion about it? And what is your opinion about Fireworks?