A pale view of autumn hills

Tsumago: view from the old castle ruins
After seeing the astounding view from the top of Tsumago, the title of Ishiguro’s book “A Pale View of Hills” kept echoing in my mind. We were surrounded by the Central Alps and nestled in the Valley Below was Magome, an old and well preserved post town. We just hiked from Tsumago to Magome into beautiful autumn foliage.

Mill close to the entrance of the town
We started our early morning in Magome. As soon as you get off the bus, it feels as if you stepped back into time and arrived in the Edo period (minus all the tourists wearing full-on hiking gear). No cars are allowed in the area and beautiful paved stones line the roads. Small streams of water cobble alongside the road, feeding lush green gardens and crystal clear fish ponds. One or two wooden mills silently turn in the streams.
Big koi fish in crystal clear water
We tried some chestnut-filled cakes, looked at the various souvenirs of the area (wooden and straw combs, bowls and toys).
Beautiful views of pale hills

Beautiful autumn colours
 From there we started walking to Tsumago, which was 8km away, following the Nakasendo route. The Nakasendo route used to be a road that connected Tokyo and Kyoto. The walk wasn’t too demanding and we definitely had more descents than ascents (and this was also evident on the worn-out look from the travelers who were travelling from the opposite direction). We travelled through beautiful forests and were wrapped in beautiful autumn colours. The calm sound of flowing rivers with clear waters echoed through the forests and mountains. The scent of wet foliage and wet wooden fires drifted through the moist air. The hike was actually very relaxing, despite all the “bear bells” around the route (which is supposed to chase the bears away when you ring it, not that I believe there are many bears to scare away to begin with).

Watch out for the bears!

Vibrant autumn foilage
Beautiful stream in the woods
After strolling around Tsumago, we made our way to the train station,  but not before Armand dragged me to a lookout point on top of a mountain. The lookout point is situated on the old ruins of a castle, not that there is much left to see of the castle though. But the view was beautiful and made it the slow walk up the mountain worth it (although I was initially too stubborn to admit it!).


Tsumago main street

Kiso valley was definitely worth the trip and it was amazing to see the beautiful foliage and enjoy the very comfortable autumn climate. And, of course, our trip didn’t end without trying some local flavour Kit Kats: Chili Kit Kats and Apple Kit Kats. Delicious.

So, have you ever been to Tsumago or Magome? Do you enjoy spending time outdoors. Please share your experiences!