Making some scrapbook memories

Upon return from Europe we had so many extra scraps and memorabilia (travel stubs) that I just couldn't incorporate into our digital photo book (which is currently in print - I can't wait for the outcome!), so I decided that I am going to make a small scrapbook to contain all the tickets, brochures, maps etc that we collected during our travels.

I had a very cute book from Typo that was just lying around and I decided it will be the perfect book to use!  The idea is to keep the book alongside the photo book so that we can see all the things we did. I used different stamps, incorporated some of the postcards I bought, some printed photos, pictures I drew, stickers, cards and stickers from Sn@p. I wrote what we saw in every city and country onto each page instead of adding elaborate journal entries. 

So here it is, I hope you enjoy! And please tell me what you think. (I have to apologise in advance for some of the photos not coming out perfectly - I'm still learning how to properly use my new camera!)

My fantastic Typo Book "Let's run away to Paris and live on Love and Macarons"

Here I added a photo and one of the paper bags I received when buying postcards at the Musical Instruments Museum in Brussels, using it as a bag to hold cards, tickets etc.

Brugge - Here I added some snippets from my journal, a postcard, stickers and photos

Luxembourg - Here I added Sn@p envelopes, a postcard and even a souvenir coin

For Aachen and Oostende I used stamps, photos and postcards. For the Aachen page I used the (very expensive) bus tickets as the pocket to place in all the memorabilia. 

For Amsterdam I used one of the paper bags I received as an envelope, whilst pasting that on a map of Amsterdam (See below), and I added some watercolour pictures I drew. For Rome I also used a watercolour picture and some Sn@p envelopes.

Map of Amsterdam and a Sn@p Quote Card (on the back I wrote where we went and what we saw).


Milan and Athens - For Milan I used a postcard as an envelope and for Athens I added one of my watercolour sketches. 


Paris (Ah! Paris!!!) - The one page is made up of all the metro tickets and stickers

Barcelona - I used Sn@p pockets and a Quote Card

The back of the Sn@p Quote Card

For Stockholm I used a map as the background and a see-through envelope)

Stockholm page (when the brochures and pictures are removed)

For Brussels I once again used one of the paper envelopes I received at my favourite Souvenir Shop - The Brussels Corner. For the Geneva Page I used a Sn@p envelope stuck on a Sn@p Quote card

Back of the Quote Card

For Budapest and Vienna I once again used Sn@p Quote cards and envelopes. Later on I added my favourite watercolour sketch to the Vienna page (which I haven't photographed yet).

So, have you used Sn@p products before? And what do you do with your travel stubs? I would love to hear your ideas (and opinions)!